
Tiffany Clark speaking to CA legislature in 2018 to protest anti-homeschooling bills.
Speaking to CA legislature in 2018 to protest anti-homeschooling bills.

I strive to protect families, and help the whole world live more like family.

To further these goals, I take independent action and offer services to clients.

By independent action, I mean self-directed public interest lobbying, public speaking, research and writing. I describe these actions in website blog posts, both to inform those with similar goals, and to inform potential clients about services I might be hired to perform.

Speaking about legal considerations for 501(d) communities at 2013 Twin Oaks Communities Conference.
Speaking about 501(d) legal issues at 2013 T.O. Communities Conference.

By services for clients, I mean public interest lobbying, consulting, public speaking, research, writing and, in limited cases, legal advice/services, for clients wishing to further similar goals.

For details about these goals, and the specific types of services I may be able to offer to further them, as well as my fees, please see below. For details about me and my education and experience, please visit my About page.  And to contact me, I invite you to visit my Contact page.

Goals I aim to further, through my independent action and my work for clients:

  • I aim to help protect families, and their right to live and work closely together, by defending  and promoting policies that:
    • . . . protect and encourage attachment parenting;
    • . . . protect the right to homeschool;
    • . . . protect and enable home businesses;
    • . . . protect and encourage extended family and family compound living; and
    • . . . reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens on monetary and non-monetary transactions between family members.
  • I aim to help the whole world live more like family, by defending and promoting policies that:
    • . . . increase income equality, via the provision of strong social services, basic income, equal access to healthcare, etc.;
    • . . . protect our shared home, planet earth, via promoting living and working from home, infill and multi-family dwellings, reduced automobile traffic, improved air quality, environmental justice and livability, etc.; and
    • . . . strengthen our democracy, via the protection of voting rights, and an end to gerrymandering and the electoral college.

I aim to achieve such goals in hopes that, bit by bit, we can someday transition to an more egalitarian socioeconomic paradigm, such as a Natural Law/Resource-Based Economy (NLRBE). I believe such a change could result in a far more efficient, sustainable way for the whole world to live like family.

Types of services I can offer to clients looking to achieve similar goals:

  • Public-Interest Lobbying

For an example of an independent public interest lobbying effort of mine, click here. I very much enjoyed engaging in this work. So I find myself  intrigued with considering opportunities for performing such work for like-minded third party organizations, seeking to push for the kinds of policy goals described at the top of this page.

  • Consulting

I’m interested offering consultation regarding both general legislative and regulatory changes and specific legislative and regulatory language that could help implement the kind of policy goals described at the top of this page.

  • Public Speaking and Interviews

For an example of a public speaking engagement click here. This engagement involved research, writing, and speaking about the topics described at the top of this page.

  • Research and Writing

Except in rare circumstances, public speaking and public interest lobbying engagements will also involve research and writing preparation as well.

  • Legal Advice and Services

As a general matter, I am not looking for new legal advice and services clients. I currently practice contracts and tax law, primarily for my husband’s business. Beyond that I dabble in many legal areas of law, ranging from copyright to business law, primarily to advise my sons in their endeavors. However, I am not ruling out accepting limited legal advice/services clients, when they have shared goals and the fit is right.

HOWEVER, PLEASE BE AWARE, I only take on new clients, whether for public interest lobbying, consulting, public speaking, interviews, research/writing, or for legal advice/services, via first entering into written, signed agreements. And I only provide legal services/advice to such clients to the extent explicitly specified in such agreements. Public interest lobbying, consulting, public speaking, interviews, and general research/writing engagements normally only involve the provision of general legal and policy information, not legal advice or legal services, except in unusual circumstances and when explicitly specified in our written agreement. Legal services/advice are confidential, up-to-date, and scrupulously customized to each client’s or joint clients’ particular and thoroughly researched legal situation. By contrast, general legal and policy information is not customized to an individual or group’s specific legal matter, and may be neither current, nor applicable in particular legal circumstances.


My fees for public speaking, interviews, research/writing and legal advice/services are negotiable, in consideration of the needs of all involved. This is in part due to my affinity for gift economy and Natural Law/Resource-Based Economy (“NLRBE”) models.