Choosing A Legal Structure for Your Egalitarian Community (or Hybrid RBE Community)

Published September 17, 2013
Tiffany Clark presenting at 2013 Twin Oaks Communities Conference

The 8 minute video above contains about 7 minutes from near the start of my 25 minute talk (which was then followed by about an hour of Q&A). I regret that, due to technical difficulties, this was all that was captured that I felt was worth sharing. However, the clip pretty much covers the overview for the handout, which is included in this post next. And the handout covers much more than my talk did.

I gave a talk over Labor Day weekend on this topic, entitled “Comparing Entity and Tax Status Options for Egalitarian Communities.”

This post summarizes the talk, by including a short, overview video clip from it (to the right), and a four page talk handout (at the bottom).  The talk was for the “Legal Structures” portion of the 2013 Twin Oaks Communities Conference in Virginia.

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I stuck “Hybrid RBE” into the title of this post, because I think egalitarian communities could work as hybrid resource based economy (RBE) communities. For RBE fans out there, you can see what I mean by considering the definition of “egalitarian communities”:

As described in the talk handout, “egalitarian communities” are residential income-labor-property sharing communities, which give every member an equal voice and support, but which offer more support for some, if/as need dictates. For more information, see the fuller definition of egalitarian communities, offered by the Federation of Egalitarian Communities.

Just below is the handout from the talk, with some post-talk edits.  You can see a bigger version and even download the talk handout, by clicking here, or on the little black box with the upper right pointing arrow in it, located in the upper right corner below of the document window below.

Hope this information is of value to you, as you research egalitarian and/or hybrid RBE community options!


  1. Hey there! In the document you created, you say ” do not believe this IRS position has been challenged in court.  If it was, it might not stand.” It’s been 3 years since your original post – has it been challenged? Anybody interested in challenging it?

    1. Hi Steve,

      And now it’s been more like 7 years since my original post. My regrets for not approving or responding to this message then, but the comment cue is besieged with spam. In any event, I am no longer focused on this area of law and so, unfortunately, cannot answer your question. I hope you were able to find out. My regrets again.

      Warm regards,
      Tiffany Clark

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